Question:  Does the Zapper replace my need for the herbal parasite cleanse?

Answer:  No. 

We believe that the herbal parasite cleanse, along with the liver cleanse and kidney cleanse are vital parts of the Hulda Clark protocol.  These cleanses were part of the very first things Dr. Clark taught in cleansing your body organs to function well, in order to eliminate  toxicity from the body.

Black walnut tincture is good for clearing your gut quickly. Begin the body cleanses immediately.

Begin your body zapping as soon as possible, and it should form part of your body cleansing protocol.  The instructions for the Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse, Parasite Cleanse, and Kidney Cleanse can be found at under the Hulda Clark Cleanses tab at the top.

Get started immediately on the Hulda Clark Protocol, by going to, get your free downloads and emails.  There is help for you there, even if you do not yet have a book or a Zapper, or have begun the Hulda Clark body cleanses.

Visit us at to get your Zapper.  Take it with you when you travel, and use it regularly to keep your immune system tuned up.

We hope this is helpful,

The Best Zapper Team