Hulda Clark Zapper explained

We have transcribed the wording of the video “What is a Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper” below.  You can see the video here.   Note that the AutoZap 5 Fast Zapper is the new model, while the Zapper described below is now discontinued along with the copper pipes....

Is a Higher Zapper Voltage Better?

This is the transcription of the video from Arthur Doerksen  “Isn’t a higher voltage going to do a better job of Zapping?” “…. the short answer to that is “No.” The explanation is that the zapper does not kill parasites, the zapper just...

Should I get a Programmable Zapper?

Here is the transcript of the YouTube video “Should I get a Programmable Zapper?” by Arthur Doerksen   I got a question from a mother in Australia today saying “What about the best zapper for me.  I have a 2-year old with a problem. What is the best...

Can I use the Zapper if I have Metal in my Teeth?

Here is the transcript of the YouTube video “Can I use the Zapper if I have Metal in my Teeth”? which has been edited for the purposes of this post. “I’d like to answer a frequently asked question.  People say “What about if I have metal in my teeth?...