The “syncrometer” is a testing device perfected by Dr. Hulda Clark.  Similar to the Dermatron or other EAV (Voll) machines, it is an electronic bio-feedback oscillator that can read out the body’s immune resonse to test substances placed on the attached test plates.  You can read about it in details in Hulda Clark’s books, The Cure For All Diseases, pages 457-511, and the Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual. 

In the hands of a skilled operator, the syncrometer has been able to detect parasites, microbes, and toxins in extremely small quantities in the body.  Even more useful is its ability to detect the location of substances in a particular tissue, allowing Dr. Clark to trace the movement of substances as they are metabolized or excreted by the body. 

It was the Syncrometer that first showed Dr. Clark that all of her cancer patients had isopropyl alcohol as well as the human intestinal fluke (fasciolopsis buskii) in their livers.  The Syncrometer then revealed the disappearance of the malignancies when the patients got rid of the flukes and the isopropyl alcohol.  This breakthrough led directly to her first book, The Cure For All Cancers.

Although simple in concept, the syncrometer is difficult to master.  Dr. Clark said it requires six months of diligent practice before one is ready to test others.  It also requires the creation or purchase of a great many test substances for use as test standards, to enable one to thoroughly test and research the human body with its many systems and organs.  New test substances are always needed as new toxic substances are emerging.  We are always looking for more people to become Syncrometer testers, but it is definitely not for everyone.

The Syncrometer is used only for testing, NOT for treatment of any kind.  The Zapper and Zappicators are the units designed to help the body’s healing systems to do their job more efficiently.

The answer to the question is no, you do not need to get a Syncrometer.

Here at we no longer produce the Syncrometer for a number of reasons.  They require special calibration, are not cost effective to produce, and the demand is fairly low.  

We recommend Carmen Myers of CTS Originals as an expert tester for everyone needing syncrometer testing.  She can be reached through her website at and her contact link at

We wish you God’s blessings in your journey of health and wellness,

The support team