Question:  Do you know of a good,reliable source for parasite testing – I live in Virginia if that makes a difference.  RI
Answer: Parasite testing is not 100% reliable, as samples should ideally be tested within 20 minutes.  Parasites do not always show up at the exact time a sample is taken, and other variables can make it unreliable.  Live cell microscopy can show parasites in the blood.  Parasite testing is usually done in the doctor’s office.  Sorry we do not have one place to recommend.
We recommend following Hulda Clark’s protocol with the 30-day parasite cleanse protocol.  Please refer to our blog at for customer experiences with parasites/worms.
Please read the download you can get through, where you get tips for remaining parasite-free, anti-parasite foods, and getting started quickly and easily with the Hulda Clark method.
We hope this helps,
The BestZapper team