Question:  I’m wanting to use the zapper for my dog. He has had a history of seizures. He hasn’t had one for 8 weeks but before that he was having them every 2 weeks. Is the zapper safe to use on him? He has had a problem with yeast and allergies and I’m having a hard time getting rid of the yeast. This is a recurring problem and he is on a very restricted diet. The vet can’t keep it under control either. Please help. Thank you  KS

Answer:  Yes, the AutoZap 5 is safe for your dog.  We recommend beginning slowly with everyone starting out, especially for anyone who is sensitive or body already compromised in some way.  You could start by using the Zapper every two or three days to become used to it, and work up to every day.  If you notice any detox symptoms, we recommend you follow the protocol for that i.e.increased fluids etc.  We are not doctors and do not diagnose or cure disease, but using the Zapper is not like a drug, and can be the key change you can make to benefit your pet.

The other valuable thing you can do for your pet is to put them on the Zappicator (magnetic attachment to the AutoZap 5 Zapper). 

We hope this helps,

The Best Zapper support team