Question:  I was bitten by a dog.  Doing Zappicator on leg where I was bitten, and using the AutoZap as well.  I am in Bolivia.  They gave me a tetanus vaccine first and have put the dog under observation.  Meanwhile, I am using the AutoZap and Zappicator many times.  At first, I did 1 hour with the Zapper and the SuperStraps.  The wound looks well.  Any recommendations you would advise?  MG

Answer:  Thank you for your email, and I am very sorry to hear that you were bitten by a dog.  Our recommendation here is to see your doctor and follow their infection protocol, as a dog bite can be very serious and may carry rabies and other diseases through the teeth into your body.
Continue to use your AutoZap 5 zapper with the gloves or straps on the 5-minute cycle at least 3-4 times per day.  You did the correct thing to immediately use the 1-hour setting.  Use the Zappicator (powered by the Zapper) on the green light setting at least 2 times per day, placing the top label side towards your leg.
Some nutritional support I would do for myself is to drink at least 3-4 cups of fresh vegetable juice per day, especially carrot, with ginger, lemon and beet.  Personally I would take larger doses of Vitamin C (5 g +), and colloidal silver according to the directions on the bottle.  Your immune system needs great support at this time.
We wish you God’s blessings in recovery.
Lyn, with BestZapper support