Why don’t I need Frequency settings?

Question:  Would you please explain why I don’t need specific frequency settings when the other products all target specific issues with certain frequencies? Answer:   The frequency issue is a confusing one for several reasons so we made a short video explaining...

What is a Zappicator?

Question:  What is a Zappicator? Answer:  This video will explain what you need to know about the zappicator. Have a great day! The Best Zapper Team (www.BestZapper.com)...

Should I remove metal while zapping?

Question:  Do I need to take off all metal when I do “strap” zapping? Answer:  You do not have to remove all metal such as your rings, earrings, etc. when zapping. You are referring to using the velcro straps as contacts. Zappicating is not a problem...

Will airport X-Rays harm my AutoZap 5?

Question:  Will any of the X-ray or airport device harm any of the models of the AutoZap 5’s.  If so how do you suggest addressing the matter with airport staff/TSA? Answer:  No worries, the AutoZap 5 will not be harmed by X-ray or other airport screening...

I have dropped my AutoZap 5

Question:  I have accidentally dropped the AutoZap 5 and it no longer works… I understand this is my fault, but I am wondering if I can send it in and you can fix it rather than me having to discard it… If that is possible, how much would that cost? Thank...