What is the BestZapper warranty?

Question:  What is the Best Zapper return policy? Answer:   The official return policy for Best Zapper is found on this page.  Any product can be returned for a full refund of the purchase price if returned unopened within 15 days from the time you receive it.  After...

What is “Plate Zapping”?

Question:  What is Plate Zapping?  Do I need a Plate Zapper? Answer:   Dr. Hulda Clark announced that the effect of the zapper can be intensified and targeted to specific parasites in specific organs by “plate zapping”.  A box with one or two metal plates...

Add Salt to increase Conductivity?

Q – Should I add SALT WATER to increase conductivity while using my AutoZap 5 Hulda Clark Zapper?    Answer: No.  We do not recommend using salt with any Best Zapper accessories to increase conductivity.  This refers to the velcro wriststraps,  the conductive...

What about 3 cycles to kill parasites?

Question 1: Dr Clark talked about the necessity for 3 cycles to kill the adult pathogens followed by a second to kill the young, which were released, followed by a cleanup zap. You don’t talk about that at all. Please explain. -WH Question 2: One of your videos...

Is a Higher Zapper Voltage Better?

This is the transcription of the video from Arthur Doerksen  “Isn’t a higher voltage going to do a better job of Zapping?” “…. the short answer to that is “No.” The explanation is that the zapper does not kill parasites, the zapper just...

What is Leg Zapping?

Question:  What is Leg Zapping and how do I do it? Answer:  Leg Zapping is a way to zap that will keep zapper current out of the torso of the body.  This will prevent possible problems with the new CD and “smart pacemaker” devices, and with zapping during pregnancy. ...

Should I get a Programmable Zapper?

Here is the transcript of the YouTube video “Should I get a Programmable Zapper?” by Arthur Doerksen   I got a question from a mother in Australia today saying “What about the best zapper for me.  I have a 2-year old with a problem. What is the best...

Can I use the Zapper if I have Metal in my Teeth?

Here is the transcript of the YouTube video “Can I use the Zapper if I have Metal in my Teeth”? which has been edited for the purposes of this post. “I’d like to answer a frequently asked question.  People say “What about if I have metal in my teeth?...

When should I replace my Gloves?

Question:  Do I need to moisten my hands prior to using the gloves when zapping?  Also, my gloves have stretched out a bit since I purchased them.  Are they still good or do they need to be replaced?  How would I know if they weren’t working any more?  EGC...