How can I Reset my Zapper?

Question:  I’ve changed the batteries several times and it always works fine. The low battery beep did not activate this time. I replaced the batteries, but the unit will not power up. I even put the old batteries back in, and still nothing. Answer:  No worries!...

I dropped my Zapper and it stopped working

Question:  I bought an Auto Zap 5 some time ago. I think it was the first time I used it, I dropped the little Auto Zap box and it has not worked since. I need to have it fixed as I am battling parasites. What do I do. I literally used it once? Answer: It sounds like...

Can I use Zappicator settings with wristbands?

Question:  I recently purchased a zapper from your company and wanted to inquire as to what setting one would use if they want to do more than just the regular 5 minute zapping?  Would they use continuous zap?  Can you use the body Zappicator setting with the...

Battery beeps on Continuous Zap mode

Question: I have a question related to my AutoZap 5.  Every time that I use my zapper by the “Continuous Zap” program, it beeps once every ten minutes, more or less, all program long (60 minutes).  I am worried because of that as it didn’t happen...

Why don’t I need Frequency settings?

Question:  Would you please explain why I don’t need specific frequency settings when the other products all target specific issues with certain frequencies? Answer:   The frequency issue is a confusing one for several reasons so we made a short video explaining...

‘Metal in my Body’ Quick Summary

This post is a quick summary of the use of the Zapper and Zappicator if you have metal in your body.  This could be metal in the teeth, metal valve, foreign object such as screws  pins, stents, crowns, implants, etc. Zapper  The zapper will not conflict with any type...